Ben H. Bergman, P.E., Vice President
Responsibilities include providing a wide variety of petroleum engineering, underground storage engineering and mining engineering consulting services to oil and gas companies, gas transmission companies, natural gas and liquids storage companies, banks, trusts and institutional investors.

Texas A&M University (USA) 1999
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Texas A&M University (USA) 1992
Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance
Texas A&M University (USA) 1992
Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting
Previous Positions
National Oilwell Varco, Inc.
Houston, Texas, USA
[2005 to 2011]
Project Manager Responsible for management and coordination of design, fabrication and execution of Parker Drilling–BP Liberty Alaskan rig equipment package for extended reach drilling. Also responsible for equipment packages and execution for Parker Drilling 375 Ton and 250 Ton Alaskan arctic land rigs.
Project Controller Responsible for job costing, budgeting, reporting and engineering variation orders for over 150 million-dollar AGIP KCO island-based double rig package for operation in the Caspian Sea. Two complete 750 Ton rig packages, common area equipment and all ancillary items were included for completion of the drill site installation and commissioning.
National Oilwell, Inc.
Houston, Texas, USA
[2000 to 2004]
Project Engineer/Manager - Thales Drilling/Coring System Responsible for multi million-dollar equipment purchase by Thales Geosolutions (North Sea) LTD. Coordination of structures/equipment included mast and substructure, Eight modules for customer housed compensation equipment and National Oilwell supplied mud system, Top Drive, Collet Elevator, Drawworks, complete mud system, pipe conveyor and handler, Iron Roughneck and Hydraulic Power Unit.
Project Engineer/Manager Fugro Drilling/Coring System Responsible for multi million-dollar equipment purchase by Fugro-McClelland Marine Goesciences, Inc. Coordination of structures/equipment included Derrick, Top Drive, Collet Elevator, Drawworks, Sandline, mud system and equipment, bulk air compressor, and Hydraulic Power Unit. Responsible for coordinating all equipment interfaces (structural, mechanical, hydraulic and electrical). Duties included the coordination of the instrumentation inclusion for both the driller’s console and SMIC (Smart Mud Instrumentation & Control) system. Financial obligations of accounting for job costing, budgeting and reporting.
Associate Design Engineer Responsible for conceptual, preliminary and final design of National Oilwell products. Gained knowledge of function and design of products during six month field program for Top Drives, Drawworks, Mud Pumps, Swivels and Traveling Blocks. Specific design projects for the rigs included top drive vibration-absorption system and upper stabbing guide.
Huddleston & Co., Inc.
Houston, Texas, USA
[1993 to 1996]
Accountant Responsible for over four hundred operated oil and gas properties. Reconciled and analyzed all accounts.
Professional Registration and Societies
Registered Professional Engineer (Alabama No. 33095-E)
Registered Professional Engineer (Colorado No. PE 0053016)
Registered Professional Engineer (Indiana No. PE12400207)
Registered Professional Engineer (Kansas No. 22190)
Registered Professional Engineer (Louisiana No. PE 0040184)
Registered Professional Engineer (Mississippi No. 26770)
Registered Professional Engineer (New Mexico No. 23122)
Registered Professional Engineer (North Dakota No. PE-7838)
Registered Professional Engineer (Ohio No 80433)
Registered Professional Engineer (Oklahoma No 26122)
Registered Professional Engineer (Texas No. 95591)
Registered Professional Engineer (Utah No. 12696910-2202)
Registered Professional Engineer (West Virginia 023500)
Registered Professional Engineer (Wyoming No. PE16591)
Society of Petroleum Engineers
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Solution Mining Research Institute