Glenn Sliva, P.E., Vice-Presidente Sênior
Responsibilities include providing a wide variety of petroleum engineering, underground storage engineering and mining engineering consulting services to oil and gas companies, gas transmission companies, natural gas and liquids storage companies, banks, trusts and institutional investors.

Texas A&M University (USA) 1981
Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering
Previous Positions
Texas A&M University
Bryan, Texas USA
[2013 to present]
Professor of Petroleum Engineering and Business
Lone Cypress Engineering, Inc.
Bryan, Texas, USA
[1991 to 2017]
President and Owner Provided petroleum reservoir engineering and economic analysis, estate evaluation, property acquisition analysis, due diligence review, expert witness testimony, regulatory filings and drilling prospect analysis. Structured oil and gas drilling joint ventures.
Sanchez-O’Brien Oil & Gas Corp.
Houston, Texas USA
[1982 to 1991]
Reservoir Engineering Manager Responsible for all reservoir engineering duties for the company’s exploration and production efforts. Prepared reserve reports for SEC filings and borrowing base determinations for credit facilities. Performed cash flow and capital budgeting projections for economic planning and analysis.
Professional Registration and Societies
Registered Professional Engineer (Texas No. 60921)
Society of Petroleum Engineers
Society of Petroleum Evaluation Engineers
Society of Professional Well Log Analysts
American Association of Petroleum Geologists
Solution Mining Research Institute