Michael Franko, Senior Drilling Engineer
Responsibilities include providing a wide variety of petroleum engineering, underground storage engineering and mining engineering consulting services to oil and gas companies, gas transmission companies, natural gas and liquids storage companies, banks, trusts and institutional investors.

West Virginia University (USA) 1980 -
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
Previous Positions
Baker Oil Co.
Houston, Texas, USA
[February 2022 – June 2022]
Senior Drilling Engineer Prepared drilling, completion and plug and abandoned programs for a shallow wildcat well in Bastrop County, Texas.
Goodrich Petroleum
Houston, Texas, USA
[November 2006 – April 2012]
[March 2013 – February 2022]
Senior Drilling Engineer Designed and prepared AFE’s and drilling well programs for the Haynesville, Tuscaloosa Marine Shale (TMS), Deep Haynesville, Cotton Valley and Eagle Ford formations in Mississippi, Louisiana, northeast Texas and South Texas. Supervised drilling operations. Worked with Senior Vice President of Drilling, Geologists, Consultants and Field Drilling, Mud and Directional Superintendents to maximize efficiency in areas of directional drilling, mug engineering, solids control and rig supervision. Reviewed daily AFE costs with accounting to track estimated and actual drilling costs. Worked with land and production field personnel to build locations. Worked closely with procurement department to order, track and maintain equipment inventories.
Alta Mesa Houston, Texas, USA
[April 2012 – March 2013]
Senior Drilling Engineer Prepared drilling/workover programs and AFE’s. Managed operations for vertical and horizontal wells in east Texas, south Texas and Louisiana.
Krummrich Engineering
Santa Barbara, California, USA
[January 2005 – November 2006]
Rig Consultant Supervised drilling, setting whipstocks, completing and working over directional wells and horizontal wells in offshore California.
OXY USA Midland, Texas, USA
[March 1992 - September 1993]
Office and Field Engineer Supervised drilling and installing cathodic protection wells in west Texas. Researched well files and aided corrosion manager and engineers with casing leak studies and improving well database.
Exxon USA Midland, Texas, USA
[March 1990 – October 1991]
P&A Engineer Prepared field procedures, AFE’s and supplements for plug and abandoning and temporarily abandoning wells throughout southwestern and midwestern United States.
Chevron USA Ventura, California, USA
[January 1988 – June 1989]
Company Rig Supervisor Supervised drilling, completion, workovers and plug and abandoning for directional wells in California, both on land and offshore.
Chevron USA Midland, Texas, USA
[January 1981 – December 1985]
Company Rig Supervisor/Office Engineer Supervised drilling, completing and workover oil, gas and water injection wells throughout Permian Basin, north Texas panhandle, New Mexico and Oklahoma. Office engineering included preparing annual tubular forecasts, AFE’s, procedures and cost estimates to complete, plug and abandon wells, casing, tubing and drill string designs for oil, gas and water injection wells. Initiated, evaluated and awarded bids for cementing, stimulation and materials.
Professional Registration and Societies
Solution Mining Research Institute