Raquel Foti, Chef Technicienne Analyste
Responsible for engineering and technical support on reservoir engineering and gas storage projects.

Brunel University of West London (UK) 1995
MSc Environmental Science with Legislation and Management
Oxford Brookes University (UK) 1994
BSc Chemistry and Mathematical Studies
Previous Positions
Raquel M. Foti Petroleum Services
Austin, Texas, USA
[March 2003 to August 2005]
Built ARIES and PHDWIN petroleum economic databases and conducting well research for clients in Texas and Oklahoma.
American Land & Minerals, LLC/Capital Minerals, LLC
Austin, Texas, USA
[October 2000 to March 2003]
In-pay Manager Responsible for conducting the due diligence on acquisitions, editing legal documents and transferring mineral interests in 19 states and 200 counties across the United States.
Valuations Manager Primary responsibility involved overseeing the valuation of oil and gas wells across the United States. Responsible for interpreting mineral royalty checks and utilizing ARIES software to analyze production data for forecasting the performance and projecting the economics of wells. Compiled departmental reports with their application to company forecasts, departmental human resource manager and complex data analysis using multiple software applications.
Laporte plc
London, UK
[August 1998 to February 2000]
Safety, Health and Environment Assistant Worked closely with the corporate Group SH&E Manager at Laporte, an international company that manufactures specialty chemicals at 60 sites on three continents. Responsible for the daily management of the SH&E Department. Helped to develop and implement new systems for management of SH&E, which involved communicating with site managers, reviewing the information they provided and collating the data for reports, company policies and procedures.
Organized employee meetings to discuss experiences in achieving ISO 14001 certification, improving occupational health issues and meeting European packaging waste regulations.
Used language skills and knowledge of environmental regulations in a Group audit of a Laporte pigment manufacturing plant in Italy. Significant environmental effects of the plant’s operations were identified and management systems for SH&E were reviewed against ISRS standards.
Designed and produced the SH&E website on the company intranet supply information to employees at all levels on SH&E matters and provide a means for operating sites to communicate their SH&E experiences.
INVESCO Fund Managers Limited
London, UK
[September 1997 to July 1998]
Worked in the retail department of an international fund management company. Responsibilities involved preparing presentations and compiling documents. Also acted as Personal Assistant to the Chief Executive.
Independent Consultant
[June 1995 to September 1997]
Consulted for various environmental and safety, health and environment firms in the United Kingdom including M.H. Berlyn Co. Limited, Central Management Service Limited and Ashdown Environmental Limited.
Professional Registration and Societies
Society of Petroleum Engineers
Solution Mining Research Institute