Robert S. Crews, Vice-Presidente Sênior
Responsibilities include providing a wide variety of petroleum engineering, underground storage engineering and mining engineering consulting services to oil and gas companies, gas transmission companies, natural gas and liquids storage companies, banks, trusts and institutional investors.

Texas A&M University (USA) 2003
Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering
Previous Positions
Hite, McNichol & Lonquist, Inc.
Houston, Texas, USA
[January 2005 to October 2006]
Petroleum Engineer Prepared Reserve reports for various clients. These reports covered most producing basins in the continental United States.
Chesapeake Energy, Inc.
Hobbs, New Mexico, USA
[November 2004 to January 2005
Field Engineer Developed chemical treatment and well-failure analysis programs, conducted workovers, provided wellsite supervision for fracture treatments. Evaluated uphole potential in older wells and prepared procedures for behind-pipe Reserve re-completions for several Permian Basin fields in southwest New Mexico.
AROC (Texas), Inc.
Houston, Texas, USA
[May 2003 to October 2003]
Petroleum Engineer Conducted production and completion operations in shallow Gulf Coast waters off southeast Louisiana and Texas.
East Resources, Inc.
Parkersburg, West Virginia, USA
[May 2002 to September 2002]
Intern Projects included gathering and analyzing data from mature fields to recommend treatment or abandonment, helping analyze a waterflood and developing prognoses for workovers and a core hole. Also involved in numerous workovers, logging and the completion of a deep Trenton-Black River gas well.
Professional Societies
Society of Petroleum Engineers
Solution Mining Research Institute
Independent Oil & Gas Association – West Virginia