Teresa H. Rougon, P.G., Géologue Principal
Responsibilities include providing a wide variety of geology and petrophysics to oil and gas companies, gas transmission companies, natural gas and liquids storage companies, banks, trusts and institutional investors.

Louisiana Tech University (USA) 1987
Bachelor of Science in Geology
Previous Positions
Louisiana Department of Natural Resources-Office of Conservation-Injection and Mining Division
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
[2016 to 2018]
Geologist DCL Performed technical review of Class II Hydrocarbon Storage and Class III Solution-Mining Wells and issued permits once application process was complete; determined cavern compliance with state regulations; reviewed domal structure maps and cross-sections; reviewed after-work well completion reports; provided technical guidance on all Classes of Injection Wells in the state of Louisiana; and provided recommendations on revisions needed to regulations for existing programs including Statewide Orders 29-M and 29-M-3 for caverns, 29-N-1 and 29-N-2.
Louisiana Department of Natural Resources-Office of Conservation-Injection and Mining Division
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
[2007 to 2016]
Geologist Supervisor Supervised and provided guidance to subordinate geologists during review process of Underground Injection Control (UIC) applications for all Classes of Injection Wells in the State of Louisiana, performed technical reviews of complex well applications including Class I, Class II Hydrocarbon Storage, and Class III Solution-Mining Wells; provided guidance/training to industry on complying with state regulations, completing injection well applications, and coordinating those activities with other Sections, Divisions, and Agencies in the State; composed state regulations for existing programs including Statewide Orders 29-M and 29-M-3 for caverns.
Louisiana Department of Natural Resources-Office of Conservation-Injection and Mining Division
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
[2002 to 2007]
Geologist III Performed technical reviews of UIC applications for permits to inject including evaluation of open-hole logs, correlating and interpreting geological information and analyzing proposed construction of injection wells for protection of the USDW and productive geological formations for all Classes of Injection Wells in the State of Louisiana; conducted reviews of previously approved injection wells to determine compliance with State regulations; provided guidance to industry on complying with state regulations, completing injection well applications, and coordinating those activities with other Sections, Divisions, and Agencies in the State; assisted in the development of Department/Division policies and procedures for public guidance to permitting Injection Wells in the State of Louisiana.
Louisiana Department of Natural Resources-Office of Conservation-Injection and Mining Division
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
[2000 to 2002]
Geologist II Performed technical reviews of UIC applications for permits to inject including evaluation of open-hole logs, correlating and interpreting geological information and analyzing proposed construction of injection wells for protection of the USDW and productive geological formation for Class II and Class V wells; reviewed groundwater assessment plans to determine adequacy for detection of adverse effects to the USDW; conducted reviews of previously approved injection wells to determine compliance with State regulations; tracked inventory of wells with special permitting conditions.
Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality-Groundwater Protection Division
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
[1994 to 1996]
Geologist II Reviewed geology to determine the need for additional groundwater assessment; reviewed groundwater assessment plans to determine the extent of contamination and made recommendations for corrective action; reviewed corrective action plans and plans for groundwater monitoring systems; supervised field activities conducted during implementation of groundwater assessment plans.
Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality-Groundwater Protection Division
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
[1991 to 1994]
Geologist I Reviewed corrective action plans for areas with known contamination; reviewed assessment plans to determine the extent of contamination; evaluated the effectiveness of corrective action programs; reviewed geological data to determine shallow subsurface strata; conducted field inspections.
Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality-Groundwater Protection Division
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
[1990 to 1991]
Environmental Quality Specialist I Reviewed analytical reports to determine if adverse environmental impacts had occurred to any groundwater resources; composed enforcement documents for operator non-compliance; researched records for operator compliance with State regulations.
Professional Registration and Societies
Registered Professional Geoscientist (Louisiana No. 330)
Registered Professional Geologist (Mississippi No. 0362)
Registered Professional Geologist (Texas No. 15074)
Solution Mining Research Institute